Saturday, March 5, 2011


Hello Internet-

Been a while, I know. Life has been beyond hectic though. A lot of times I write here about advice, and this time I'm not sure I have any.

It seems the advice I have been giving myself, as well as here, has only just backfired for me. I keep telling myself only up from here, but things just keep happening to make my days feel longer and darker.

My grandfather was sent to the hospital the other day, and my grandma has a pretty bad case of alzheimers and cannot stay alone in her home. On top of my mom having to try and deal with all of that, and figure out how to help her mom, she's going through a divorce. There is never enough time in the day to do all we need to do. I think we need to all realize that life continues to be full with twists and turns, and wasting our energy and time fighting the small things does no good for us. When other things are going on that are clearly more tragic, why waste hours dwelling on a small little detail?

I don't know...I can't even think.

-Miss Optimistic